English: :Singing bird in top of reed, brambles and small trees along a canal next to the railroad track. Bird seen well and often perched fully exposed while singing, only to drop down into the lower parts of the reed when a train passed by.
This vagrant bird was found earlier that morning. Several Blyth's reed warblers were seen in The Netherlands in this period, with warm weather and winds from the east. This recording was on the night when the weather and winds turned: cloudier and colder with winds no longer from the east.
Recording made with internal microphone of Edirol R09-HR, during a twitch with 10 to 20 other people; you can hear them talking and photographing throughout this recording. Recording was editted slightly to remove low frequency noise from talking people and electricity wires from the nearby pylons.
Common name: Blyth's Reed Warbler
Type: adult, sex uncertain, song
Genus: Acrocephalus
Species: dumetorum
Location: Langs de Raephorst, near Voorschoten, Zuid-Holland
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52.116800; 4.420800
xeno-canto Sharing bird sounds from around the world
The source of this file is xeno-canto.org, a website dedicated to sharing birdsong recordings created and donated by volunteers. The website is managed by the Xeno-canto Foundation.
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